A Benchmark For Benchmarks
Econometric Bench: AI Benchmark for Econometrics
Bagged FSR: Rehabilitating Forward Stepwise Regression
The Micro-Task Market for "Lemons": Collecting Data on Amazon's Mechanical Turk
With Doug Ahler and Carrie Roush. Political Science Research and Methods, 2021.
🗃 Replication Materials
📦 incline: Estimate Trend at a Particular Point in Time in a Noisy Time Series
Optimal Data Collection When Strata and Strata Variances Are Known With Ken Cor.
📦 Geo-sampling: Sampling Randomly From the Streets With Suriyan Laohaprapanon.
📦 Allocator: Optimally Assigning (Suggesting) Data Collection Locations, Creating Itineraries With Suriyan Laohaprapanon.
📦 reporoulette: Randomly Sample Repositories on GitHub
Pwned: How Often Are Americans' Online Accounts Breached?
With Ken Cor. ACM Web Science Conference, 2019
RELATED: Bob Rudis Analyzes Exposure by Breach
📦 Piedomains: Predict the Kind of Content Hosted by a Domain Based on Domain Name and Content
With Rajashekar Chintalapati.
RELATED: Domain Knowledge: Predicting the Kind of Content Hosted by a Domain.
With Suriyan Laohaprapanon. Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS), 2020.
Pass-Fail: Using a Password Generator to Improve Password Strength
With Rajashekar Chintalapati
How Often is Politicians' Data Breached? Evidence from HIBP
With Lucas Shen.
🗃 Replication Materials
- Bad Domains: Exposure to Malicious Content Online
With Lucas Shen.
🗃 Replication Materials
Have I Been Pwned? Yes.
📦 Know Your IP
With Suriyan Laohaprapanon
📦 virustotal: R Client for the VirusTotal Public API 2.0
- Social Proof is in the Pudding: The (Non)-Impact of Social Proof on Software Downloads
With Lucas Shen.
🗃 Replication Materials
Shedding Blacklight on Online Privacy: Tracking and KeyLogging on the Internet
Review of "Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment"
With Andrew Gelman. Chance. 2024.
Significant Error: Citations to Research With Publicized Statistical Errors With Ken Cor.
🗃 Replication Materials
Propagation of Error: Approving Citations to Problematic Research
With Ken Cor.
🗃 Replication Materials
📱 Get Notified When Cited Article is Retracted
Highlight Citations to Retracted Articles
Softverse: Auto-compute Citations to Software From Replication Files
user: Auto-compute Citations to Software From GitHub
RELATED: 📦 Python metrics
AutoSum: Summarize Publications Automatically and Discover Miscitations
By the Numbers: Toward More Precise Numerical Summaries of Results
With Andrew Guess. The Political Methodologist. 24(1): 2016
The Review: Production and Consumption of APSR Articles
superdf: Save Metadata with the Data in R and Python DataFrames
Not to Code: Evidence From Static Code Analysis of Replication Scripts
Predicting Race and Ethnicity From Sequence of Characters in a Name
With Rajashekar Chintalapati and Suriyan Laohaprapanon.
RELATED: 📦 Python Package for implementing the method.
PRESS: InfoQ | AnacondaCON presentation (Video)
Sound Names: Classify Names Based on Sequence of Sounds
Graphic Names: Classify Names Using Google Image Search and Clarifai
📦 Naampy: Infer Sociodemographic Characteristics from Indian Names
With Rajashekar Chintalapati and Suriyan Laohaprapanon.
📦 Pranaam: Predict Religion From Name
With Rajashekar Chintalapati.
📦 naamkaran: a generative model for names
With Rajashekar Chintalapati.
📦 parsernaam: ML-assisted name parser
With Rajashekar Chintalapati.
📦 instate: predict spoken language from last name
With Rajashekar Chintalapati and Atul Dhingra.
RELATED: Instate: Predict the State of Residence from Last Name.
With Atul Dhingra.
Is an Uncertain Prospect Less Preferred Than Its Worst Possible Outcome? New Evidence on the Uncertainty Effect
With Doug Ahler.
🗃 Replication Materials
Mixed Signals: Movie Quality Assessments Across Platforms
Problem Solving
Americans' Attitudes Toward The Affordable Care Act: Would Better Public Understanding Increase or Decrease Favorability?
With Wendy Gross, Tobias Stark, Jon Krosnick, Josh Pasek, Trevor Thompson, Jennifer Agiesta, and Dennis Junius.
PRESS: Forbes, Pacific Standard, The Dish, among other outlets.
Americans' Attitudes toward the Affordable Care Act: What Role Do Beliefs Play?
With Gabriel Miao Li, Josh Pasek, Jon Krosnick, Tobias H. Stark, Jennifer Agiesta, Trevor Tompson, and Wendy Gross. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 2022.
What and Who is on Network Television?
The Face of Crime in Prime Time: Evidence from Law and Order
With Daniel Trielli.
🗃 Replication Materials
PRESS: The Washington Post
Public Employees: Money and Diversity
Son Bias in the US: Evidence from Business Names
With Walter Guillioli
The Older Half: Spousal Age Gap in India
With Suriyan Laohaprapanon
Which Women Are Missing? Adult Sex Ratio By Last Name
With Suriyan Laohaprapanon
Working Women on Indian TV
With Asha Sood
Missing Women on the Streets
Epic Children: Sex Ratio of Children of Key Characters in Epics
Missing Daughters of Indian Politicians
Revisiting a Natural Experiment: Do Legislators With Daughters Vote More Liberally on Women's Issues?
With Don Green, Oliver Hyman-Metzger, and Michelle Zee. Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics. 2023.
🗃 Replication Materials | Supporting Information
The Effect of Gender Quotas on Some Qualities of Elites
The Limits of Electoral Gender Quotas in Rural Local Bodies
With Varun K. R.
Inter-group Prejudice
Affect, Not Ideology: A Social Identity Perspective on Polarization
With Shanto Iyengar and Yphtach Lelkes. Public Opinion Quarterly. 76(3), 405–431, 2012.
🗃 Replication Materials
RELATED: Sort of Sorted But Definitely Cold, The Order of Feelings, Affectively Polarized?, Party Time
PRESS: The New York Times, The Washington Post, Mother Jones, Vox, etc.
The Parties in our Heads: Misperceptions About Party Composition and Their Consequences
With Doug Ahler. The Journal of Politics. 80(3), 964–981, 2018.
🗃 Replication Materials
PRESS: FiveThirtyEight, Vox, The Washington Post, The Washington Post (2), Christian Science Monitor, The Hill, PBS (Twin Cities)
RELATED: The Partisans in our Heads | Data and Scripts
Typecast: A Routine Mental Shortcut Causes Party Stereotyping
With Doug Ahler. Political Behavior. 2022.
🗃 Replication Materials | Appendix
PRESS: Heterodox Academy
All in the Eye of the Beholder: Partisan Affect and Ideological Accountability
With Shanto Iyengar.
In The Feeling, Thinking Citizen: Essays in Honor of Milton Lodge. 2018.
🗃 Replication Materials
RELATED: Still Close: Perceived Ideological Distance to Own and Main Opposing Party, 2012 Blog Post
PRESS: The New York Times
Coming to Dislike Your Opponents: The Polarizing Impact of Political Campaigns
With Shanto Iyengar.
PRESS: New York Times
Partisan Vision? Partisan Bias in Simple Visual Evaluations With Carrie Roush and Alex Theodoridis.
🗃 Replication Materials
Extreme Recall: Which Politicians Come to Mind?
With Daniel Weitzel. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties. 2024.
🗃 Replication Materials
RELATED: Extreme Recall
The Hostile Audience: The Effect of Access to Broadband Internet on Partisan Affect
With Yphtach Lelkes and Shanto Iyengar. American Journal of Political Science. 61(1): 5–20, 2017.
🗃 Replication Materials
PRESS: The Guardian
Holier Than Thou? No Large Partisan Gap in Consumption of Pornography Online
With Lucas Shen. Journal of Quantitative Description. 2024.
🗃 Replication Materials
Hidden Racial Prejudice? Impact of Social Desirability Pressures on Endorsement of Racial Stereotypes
With Jon Krosnick, Tobias Stark, and Floor van Maaren. Sociological Methods and Research.51(2), 605–631, 2019.
🗃 Replication and Supplementary Materials
Not News: Provision of Apolitical News in the British News Media With Suriyan Laohaprapanon.
🗃 Replication Materials
Strength in Numbers: Multiple Measures of Media Ideology With Philip Habel.
🗃 Replication Materials
Measuring Agendas and Positions on Agendas With Andrew Guess.
🗃 Replication Materials
📦 Notnews: Predict the Type of News Based on Story Text and URL
With Suriyan Laohaprapanon.
Unreadable News: How Readable is American News?
With Lucas Shen.
Follow Your Ideology: A Measure of Ideological Location of Media Sources
With Pablo Barberá.
The Supply of Media Slant Across Outlets and Demand for Slant Within Outlets: Evidence from US Presidential Campaign News
With Marcel Garz, Daniel Stone, and Justin Wallace. European Journal of Political Economy.
🗃 Replication Materials
Don't Expose Yourself: Discretionary Exposure to Political Information
With Yphtach Lelkes. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. 2018.
🗃 Replication Materials
RELATED: Categorizing the Content of Domains, Measuring Selective Exposure, The Fairest of All
The Good NYT: Provision of Apolitical News in the New York Times
Hard News: The Softening of Network Television News
With Daniel Weitzel.
🗃 Replication Materials
Partisan Imbalance in Politifact?
You Cannot be Serious: The Impact of Accuracy Incentives on Partisan Bias
With Markus Prior and Kabir Khanna. Quarterly Journal of Political Science. 10(4), 489–518, 2015.
🗃 Online Appendix; Replication Materials
PRESS: Washington Monthly, Pacific Standard, The New York Times
RELATED: Partisan Gaps in Retrospection are Highly Variable; Blog Post
Motivated Responding in Studies of Factual Learning
With Kabir Khanna. Political Behavior. 40(1): 79–101, 2018.
🗃 Replication Materials
RELATED: Blog Summarizing the Paper, The Innumerate American
A Gap in Our Understanding? Reconsidering the Evidence for Partisan Knowledge Gaps
With Carrie Roush. Quarterly Journal of Political Science. 18(1), 2023.
🗃 Replication Materials
RELATED: An Unclear Gap: How Vague Response Options Produce Partisan Knowledge Gaps
PRESS: Not Another Politics Podcast (U. Chicago)
The Waters of Casablanca: On Political Misinformation
With Robert Luskin.
Misinformation About Misinformation: Of Headlines and Survey Design
With Robert Luskin, Yul Min Park, and Joshua Blank.
🗃 Replication Materials
Misinformed About the Affordable Care Act? Leveraging Certainty to Assess the Prevalence of Misinformation
With Josh Pasek and Jon Krosnick. Journal of Communication. 65(4): 660–673, 2015
🗃 Supporting Information | Replication Materials
Guessing and Forgetting: A Latent Class Model for Measuring Learning
With Ken Cor. Political Analysis. 24(2): 226–242, 2016.
🗃 Replication Materials
REVIEW: '... a real contribution to the literature.' — Ed Haertel
RELATED: 📦 R Package for implementing the method.
Measuring Learning in Informative Processes
With Robert Luskin and Ariel Helfer.
A Measurement Gap? Effect of the Survey Instrument and Scoring on the Partisan Knowledge Gap
With Lucas Shen and Daniel Weitzel. Public Opinion Quarterly. 2024.
🗃 Replication Materials
An Unclear Gap: How Vague Response Options Produce Partisan Knowledge Gaps With Carrie Roush.
🗃 Replication Materials
Measuring Perceptions of Numerical Strength of Salient and Stereotypical Groups
With Doug Ahler. Misinformation and Mass Audiences. 2018. University of Texas Press.
🗃 Appendix
What Would Dahl Say? An Appraisal of the Democratic Credentials of the Deliberative Polls and Other Mini-publics With Ian O'Flynn. Deliberative Mini-Publics. 41–58, 2014. ECPR Press.
How Can You Think That?: Deliberation and the Learning of Opposing Arguments
🗃 Replication Materials
Deliberative Distortions? Homogenization, Polarization, and Domination in Small Group Deliberations
With Robert Luskin, Kyu Hahn, and James Fishkin. The British Journal of Political Science. 52(3), 1205–1225, 2022.
🗃 Replication Materials
What Future for Kirkuk?
With Ian O'Flynn, Jalal Mistaffa, and Nahwi Saeed. Democratization. 26(7), 1299–1317, 2019.
🗃 Replication Materials | Supporting Information
StreetSense: Learning from Google Street View With Suriyan Laohaprapanon and Kimberly Ortleb.
🗃 Replication Materials
AutoSense: Automated Street Condition Assessment
Get in Line: Waiting Times at the DMV
With Noah Finberg.
Elo Ratings of International Cricket Teams By Format
With Derek Willis.
PRESS: The Hindu
WAR Ratings for Cricketers
With Derek Willis.
Fairly Random: The Effect of Winning the Toss on Winning the Match
With Apoorva Lal, Derek Willis, Gaurav Sood, and Avidit Acharya. Journal of Sports Analytics. 2023.
RELATED: Fairly Random: Impact of Winning the Toss on the Probability of Winning With Derek Willis. |
🗃 Replication Materials
PRESS: ESPN: How much does the toss really matter?
RELATED: ESPN: Why replacing the toss with an auction is the fair thing to do
📦 Lost Years: Expected Number of Years Lost
With Suriyan Laohaprapanon.
📦 repaper: convert photo of a form to a web based form or an editable pdf form
With Bhanu Teja.
📦 indicate: transliterate indic languages to english
With Rajashekar Chintalapati.
LayoutLens: AI-Assisted UI Testing
loogy: auto-refine code by adding dynamic and static analysis
With Atul Dhingra.
Scaling ML Products at Startups: A Practioner's Guide
With Atul Dhingra.
📦 BloomJoin: Bloom Filter Based Joins (R Package)